Tuesday, 19 February 2008

What are the similarities and differences in Education systems

All dear esteemed friends Since we have already spent at least one year in Gotttingen, Germany.We are destined to get higher level of education here in Germany atrenowned university like Georg August University. Our education systemin the country in some cases similar to here but in many casesdifferent also. In some parameter our education system is better butin many measures, we are far behind. For example, for theoreticalaspects of Silviculture, Forest Policy, Timber utilisation, probablywe knew better in our respective countries rather than here. But,practical aspects of Forest Inventory, Genetics, SoilSciences,Economics, we learnt many things here. Also, presentation,group tasks/assignments, opportunities found here is quite practicaland better here, that will certainly increase our motivation, workingattitudes and capacity in future.In these aspects, I would like to request you to share your views andopinions with the members of effortsforchange groups.For that I would like to request you to provide opinions concentratingmore on:
a)what are the similarities and differences with the teaching methods,principles, learning environments, student-teacher interactions, examsystems etc in our respective countries and Germany?
b) How do you rate education system here in Germany?
c) What do you think about the lifelong utility of learnings here?Does it help in your professional career? if yes, in which aspects andupto what extent?
d)What did impress you much here? What did you learn at the most?
e)Do you have any suggestions to anyone regarding improvement ineducation systems here or in our countries?
f) others..........Expecting your valuable comments and opinions in this.

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